tigress DJ with cubs for TTC website.jpg
tigress DJ with cubs for TTC website.jpg


 Like all tigers, Tigress DJ and her cubs (above) have made great strides in recent years, repopulating after declining to the brink of extinction. But they’re still endangered. To help them and the people who live with them, as well as raise awareness/access/use of environmental technologies and practices, we founded the programs described on this website. We’ve been at it nearly 20 years and counting.

Founders need friends, though, and funding.


We happily accept tax-deductible individual and corporate CSR donations of any amount, for particular programs or our work in general. To find out more, just contact us at donate@tigercenter.org. We’re happy to share information on transfers, receipts, and more.

You can also contact our Executive Chairman, Dr. CJ Meadows (cj@tigercenter.org) if you’d like to discuss particular programs you’d like to support, individually or as part of your corporate CSR efforts. We’re open to expanding our programs, partnering, or starting new programs that fit your CSR strategy.


We’re also fundraising for an eco-resort to boost the surrounding economy, help fund our programs, and provide healthy investment returns. An overview is provided below, and more information is available from our Executive Chairman, Dr. CJ Meadows, at +65.9001.1589, cj@tigercenter.org, or for meetings: calendly.com/drcjmeadows.



 Like all tigers, Tigress DJ and her cubs (above) have made great strides in recent years, repopulating after declining to the brink of extinction. But they’re still endangered. To help them and the people who live with them, as well as raise awareness/access/use of environmental technologies and practices, we founded the programs described on this website. We’ve been at it nearly 20 years and counting.

Founders need friends, though, and funding.


We happily accept tax-deductible individual and corporate CSR donations of any amount, for particular programs or our work in general. To find out more, just contact us at donate@tigercenter.org. We’re happy to share information on transfers, receipts, and more.

You can also contact our Executive Chairman, Dr. CJ Meadows (cj@tigercenter.org) if you’d like to discuss particular programs you’d like to support, individually or as part of your corporate CSR efforts. We’re open to expanding our programs, partnering, or starting new programs that fit your CSR strategy.


We’re also fundraising for an eco-resort to boost the surrounding economy, help fund our programs, and provide healthy investment returns. An overview is provided below, and more information is available from our Executive Chairman, Dr. CJ Meadows, at +65.9001.1589, cj@tigercenter.org, or for meetings: calendly.com/drcjmeadows.

executive summary

  • High-profit, high-image impact investment – transformational boost to local economy plus some eco-resort profits will help fund award-winning The Tiger Center in our work for conservation and socially- and ecologically-positive economic development

  • Annual returns to investor (if capital remains in the resort, instead of exiting via villa sales — either approach is fine with us)

    Years 1 – 3:      1.4 – 7.4%

    Years 4 – 8:   10.5 – 14.7%

    Years 9 – 30: 15+%

  • USD 9.4 million investment (by one or more investors), to either remain in the business or exit via villa-sale profits

  • Possible combination of resort projects if a USD 50 – 60 million investment is preferred

  • Partnership model - Investor(s) + land lessor + design/operating company. The operating company founder wants to include our property in the brand he’s currently expanding. He’s developed more than 100 award-winning resorts and hotels, founded a series of successful hotel management companies, and is recognized globally as one of the foremost visionaries within the hospitality industry. The investor(s) would lease the land from the owner (who lives nearby) and provide funds for resort development

  • Prime Location – the only place in the world where you can see more than one wild tiger a day

  • The only privately-owned land of this size adjacent to (or even nearby) the Kanha Nature Reserve. This means superior customer experience and lack of potential competitors nearby

  • Year-round operation & travel inside the forest by BOTH jeep (day) and elephant (night-safari, historically daytime, as well)

  • Land lease (20 years + 10 optional extension) on 4 hectares of land for luxury boutique resort, plus 1/3 hectare approx. 2 mins from site (useful for storage buildings, staff accommodation, etc.). Fixed-fee payment during development, then profit-sharing during operations (or exit via villa-sale profits)

For more information and to discuss your investment interests, just contact our Executive Chairman, Dr. CJ Meadows, at +65.9001.1589, cj@tigercenter.org, or for meetings: calendly.com/drcjmeadows.